DR Parent Meeting Recap: Preparing for an Incredible Week

This past Sunday, we gathered with parents to discuss the heart, vision, and logistics for our upcoming Dominican Republic mission trip. As we prepare to send our students, our deepest prayer is that this trip will spark a revival in their hearts—a revival that doesn’t stop with them but overflows into their schools, families, and communities, leading lost people to Christ.

We also covered key details to ensure everyone is prepared for this incredible journey:

Packing List & Flight Info – We went over what to bring (and what to leave behind) as well as the finalized flight lists.
📵 Cell Phone Policy – This trip is about being present. Students will disconnect from technology to fully engage in what God is doing.
📜 Code of Conduct – Expectations were laid out to help students honor Christ in all they do.
✈️ Departure Process – We detailed check-in and what to expect at the airport. The short version is that we will be leaving from Chattanooga and returning to ATL as usual.
⚕️ Allergies & Medical Needs – Safety is a priority, and we covered how we’ll handle medications, allergies, and any other health concerns.
📝 Debrief Tool – We introduced a resource to help students process and reflect on their experiences.
📡 Modes of Communication – Parents were shown how we will provide updates throughout the trip.
🙏 Daily Prayer Guide – We shared a guide to help families pray specifically for their students and the trip each day.

For a full recap of details, you can view the Parent Info Sheet HERE
To access the Debrief Tool, Communication Guide, and Daily Prayer Guide CLICK HERE

As we move closer to departure, we encourage you to pray for your student(s)—that God would prepare their heart, open their eyes, and use them in powerful ways. If you have any last-minute questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

We can’t wait to see what God does in and through our students in the DR! 🌎🙏 Let’s go make Jesus known!


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