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Check out the Wednesday Night menu HERE
Because Johnson Ferry has so much to offer, it can feel overwhelming to know what to do next. We have created four easy steps to finding your place to belong. You can attend all of them or attend the one that interests you most. To find out more information, visit No registration is required. […]
Join us for our Baptism Sundays this year as we celebrate our family members who have decided to follow Jesus. If you would like more information about baptism, click the button below. 2025 Baptism Sundays:– January 26– March 16– April 20– June 15– August 24– October 26– December 7
On the first Sunday of every month, we offer the official Membership Class, an informational session for adults considering membership at Johnson Ferry. This class is an essential part of the membership journey at Johnson Ferry.
Join us for a 6-week parenting course, Parenting with a Purpose, as we look at biblical and practical ways to come alongside your kids and help them navigate this world and how to integrate their own faith as a follower of Jesus.
Join us on April 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall to experience how Jewish people celebrate Passover today, learn how symbolic foods illustrate God’s redemption, and see how Jesus is beautifully foreshadowed in the Passover celebration and story.
Adults 60+
Join us on Tuesday Nights in Room 327 (Loft B) from 6:30-8pm to dive deep into God’s Word! We’ll be studying four incredible books this semester, and we would love to have you join us! Registration is $25 per person (covering the cost of your workbook).
Join Adults 60+ as we travel to Myrtle Beach to experience one of the largest Christian music events in the world! From April 21-24, we will stay at the Convention Center right in the middle of the event. We will also enjoy a couple of side excursions and some free time along the boardwalk and […]
Wednesday night activities for Preschoolers and Children include: *Please register your children for the Fall Wednesday Night Activities Semester*
This registration is for the 2024-2025 school year. All Preschool and Children’s Groups are provided in alignment with Worship Services and Adult Groups (8:30, 10, and 11:30am). Parents must remain on campus while children are in classes. Please register in advance to update your family’s information and get your child connected to the correct group. […]
Road Trip 2025 is going to be “Whalee” fun! We are “blubbering” with excitement as we learn from Jesus and the book of Jonah how we can live out Micah 6:8. VBS is open to all kids who have completed Kindergarten – 5th grade (2024-2025 school year). June 23-26, 9am–12pm.
Family Discipleship
Join us for a 6-week parenting course, Parenting with a Purpose, as we look at biblical and practical ways to come alongside your kids and help them navigate this world and how to integrate their own faith as a follower of Jesus.
New groups are starting now! Whether you’re looking for community or for tools to navigate a new season, we want to walk with you. Click below to see what groups are offered based on day & time. All Wednesday, Thursday & Friday groups even offer free childcare with advance registration.
Join us on Tuesday Nights in Room 327 (Loft B) from 6:30-8pm to dive deep into God’s Word! We’ll be studying four incredible books this semester, and we would love to have you join us! Registration is $25 per person (covering the cost of your workbook).
High School
Students! We’ve got a unique service planned just for you. Join us in the Activities Center at noon on Friday, April 18 as we memorialize and remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
Hey, graduating seniors! Join us for our upcoming Transition Breakouts designed to help you as you take the final steps toward our YA College Ministry. We will cover important topics and things you will face in their next step to Young Adulthood. Meeting Information:– Sunday, April 27, 10am, Fellowship Hall– Sunday, May 4, 10am, Fellowship […]
Graduating Seniors! Mark your calendars for our annual Senior Banquet happening on Sunday, May 4 at 1pm in the High School Room. Registration coming soon!! **This event is FREE for all Senior Life Group Leaders!**
On the first Sunday of every month, we offer the official Membership Class, an informational session for adults considering membership at Johnson Ferry. This class is an essential part of the membership journey at Johnson Ferry.
Join us for our Baptism Sundays this year as we celebrate our family members who have decided to follow Jesus. If you would like more information about baptism, click the button below. 2025 Baptism Sundays:– January 26– March 16– April 20– June 15– August 24– October 26– December 7
Men's Ministry
A group of men focused on studying the Bible and sharing how to apply it to everyday life and others. Every study is a stand-alone session, so participants are welcome to join anytime.
Calling all Johnson Ferry Men! Join our Men’s Bible Study Group every Friday at 6:30am in the Student Center North or on Zoom. We will be focusing on the Sermon on the Mount and the Gospel of Matthew throughout the year.
Middle School
Students! We’ve got a unique service planned just for you. Join us in the Activities Center at noon on Friday, April 18 as we memorialize and remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
Pastoral Care
Whether you are struggling with depression, grief, a wayward child, or going through a divorce, we have support groups to help you navigate the difficult struggles life throws at you. Check out all the groups we have to offer.
Blackaby Ministries presents The Dynamics of Spiritual Leadership Coaching Workshop, which offers tools to help you connect with others and learn spiritual coaching skills. This interactive three-day training workshop is March 31-April 2 at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church.
Prayer Ministry
Come as you are and stay in your car as you stop by Johnson Ferry’s North Parking Lot to pray with an intercessor for any need. Drive Thru Prayer is every third Wednesday of each month from 10:30am – 12:30pm.
The Parent Commissioning services are the way our church family publicly recognizes Christian parents, commissioning them to raise their child(ren) in a God-honoring home. Our church family is honored to support you in this way. Parent Commissioning services occur on a periodic basis. Church members, as approved by ministerial staff, are welcome to participate.
The Expectant Parent Ministry supports expectant parents from the time they learn they are having a baby until the family returns to regular engagement in Sunday morning worship. Throughout the nine months, the mother is contacted and prayed with regularly in person, by phone, or by e-mail and social media to see how she is […]
Wednesday night activities for Preschoolers and Children include: *Please register your children for the Fall Wednesday Night Activities Semester*
This registration is for the 2024-2025 school year. All Preschool and Children’s Groups are provided in alignment with Worship Services and Adult Groups (8:30, 10, and 11:30am). Parents must remain on campus while children are in classes. Please register in advance to update your family’s information and get your child connected to the correct group. […]
On Palm Sunday, April 13, and Easter, April 20, we are seeking extra help to serve our many visitors and regular attenders. What a wonderful present to give: one hour of your time with the youngest members of our church family. You must be at least 16 years old, and your Safe Harbor background check […]
Special Needs
Our special needs ministry, is looking for volunteers for their Sunday and Wednesday programs. On Sunday, there are opportunities during all hours, with the largest need at 10am. On Wednesday, there is one class from 6-8pm.
A support group and round table discussion of all things “not typical” for parents of children with special needs. This group meets weekly on Wednesdays in Spring and Fall in Room 336.
Special Needs Students and Adults, get ready for the BEST NIGHT of the Summer! June 19 from 6:30-8:30pm join us for ONE spectacular night of dancing and FUN! This is a great opportunity to invite your friends. Dinner is included. Menu and more details coming soon. Sign-up now to reserve your spot!
Sports & Fitness
Apply to be a Head or Assistant Coach for one of our youth sports leagues/programs: baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, girl’s volleyball, flag football, Crossover Basketball, travel basketball, and/or Shine Sports (special needs). Review your sport of interest at, or contact the appropriate league/program administrator for evaluation times with which you can help.
We invite you to experience the newest and fastest-growing adult sport—pickleball! It’s a fun sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. We play indoors on a badminton-sized court and a slightly modified tennis net. Registration is required!
Student Leadership Cohort is a unique opportunity for students to go deep in discipleship while developing as leaders.
Students! We’ve got a unique service planned just for you. Join us in the Activities Center at noon on Friday, April 18 as we memorialize and remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
Hey, graduating seniors! Join us for our upcoming Transition Breakouts designed to help you as you take the final steps toward our YA College Ministry. We will cover important topics and things you will face in their next step to Young Adulthood. Meeting Information:– Sunday, April 27, 10am, Fellowship Hall– Sunday, May 4, 10am, Fellowship […]
Graduating Seniors! Mark your calendars for our annual Senior Banquet happening on Sunday, May 4 at 1pm in the High School Room. Registration coming soon!! **This event is FREE for all Senior Life Group Leaders!**
Support Groups
For those with loved ones living with cognitive decline, Care Partners provides a safe place where ideas, struggles, and hopes can be shared. This group meets on the third Sunday of the month year-round in Room 200 (Evergreen) from 2-3:30pm. No registration is required.
This is a support group for men with porn or sexual addiction. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Hope After a Prodigal Loss meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 7-8:30pm in Room 337 beginning on August 15. This is a Christ-centered group that provides an anchor in the storm after a stigmatized loss.
This is an ongoing support group for adults who suffer from depression and/or bipolar disorder and for the people who love them. The evening group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 7-8:30pm in Room 339. The day group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 10-11:30am […]
A 13-week seminar/support group for those who are separated or divorced. The class helps individuals cope with the hurt and pain of divorce. This group meets on Wednesdays in the Spring and Fall from 6:15-8pm in Room 339.
GriefShare is a support group for those who have lost a loved one through death. Find comfort in being with others who are going through the same hurt and loss. This 13-week curriculum is offered Fall and Spring.
A support group and round table discussion of all things “not typical” for parents of children with special needs. This group meets weekly on Wednesdays in Spring and Fall in Room 336.
This support group empowers widows who have been through GriefShare or who have done other grief therapy. Widow Strong is a 26-week curriculum divided into two 13-week seasons (Spring and Fall) and meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm. Preschool childcare and other children’s activities are available.
Threads of Grace meets on Thursdays from 9:30-11:30am in Room 270/271. This is a prayer and sewing group (no skills required) to pray for and make baby quilts for pregnant women in Embrace Grace and the First Care Pregnancy Center. Childcare is available.
Moving toward wholeness after experiencing trauma can be difficult. This group takes a Biblical and clinical approach to support women who have a history of trauma, helping them get unstuck and experience spiritual restoration. The group leaders (a Christian educator and a clinical psychologist) have extensive experience working with those affected by trauma and are […]
A Biblically based 7-step program to guide you in how to find a job if you are unemployed or looking to make a change in your career. Various online sessions from March 13 to March 31.
Embrace Grace is a confidential place for single mothers to be empowered and encouraged in this 12-week study. For private registration, please email [email protected].
Women's Ministry
New groups are starting now! Whether you’re looking for community or for tools to navigate a new season, we want to walk with you. Click below to see what groups are offered based on day & time. All Wednesday, Thursday & Friday groups even offer free childcare with advance registration.
We have four distinct mentoring + discipleship pathways… Titus2, Flourish, one-on-one, and 419. Each provides opportunities for a woman to grow firm in her faith, equipping her to face life’s complexities and challenges through the guidance and encouragement of a mentor. Is God calling you to be mentored or discipled?
Worship & Arts
Wednesday night activities for Worship include:Kids Music for children three years old – 5th grade (6-7pm)Teeny Tykes & Tunes PLUS for children 1 – 2 years old and a caregiver (6-7pm)Adult Orchestra Rehearsal (6:45-8:15pm)Adult Choir Rehearsal (7-8:30pm)
Young Adults
Gather with young adults of all stages of life to study God’s Word, encourage each other, and grow with one another. We have weekly opportunities for young adults to connect and be equipped as citizens of God’s kingdom. Groups meet in the mornings and evenings, Sunday through Thursday.