Get Connected
Men are not designed to be alone. We offer many groups, events, serving opportunities, and mission trips that are catered for all of our men. Learn more.
Ladies, no matter where you are in life, we have a place for you to belong! Our Johnson Ferry Women have opportunities to participate in numerous groups, attend events, receive encouragement, and continually grow their relationships with God and with others. Learn more.
There is much value in older adults having community and being equipped to leave a spiritual legacy for their families. Our Adult 60+ participants have the opportunities to meet in weekly groups, attend events, and learn how to pass on wisdom to further the kingdom. Learn More
Our staff intentionally provides community, inclusion, and a place to belong for individuals with special needs. Participants have the opportunity to join weekly groups, events, and mission trips. Learn More
Your 20s are the years when you are finding yourself and finding your people. Our Young Adults meet weekly in connect groups and have opportunities such as mission trips, events, and serving opportunities. Learn More
David Anderson – Adult Disciple-Making Pastor
(678) 784-5210