DR 2024 | Day 5

Good morning, parents! We are coming to you on our last day, the best day! We are so sorry we couldn’t update sooner… last night was just TOO. MUCH. FUN!!

We started yesterday with an inspiring morning session, during which we heard from one of our student leaders, Carson Richey. She reminded us to look to God to guide us through our ministry day and to look for where He is leading us to step out boldly to share our faith. Our students put on sunscreen, filled up their water bottles, and headed out for the day of ministry!

We heard some incredible stories from the day. If you are following along on Instagram, you may have heard that one of our students went to a food distribution site and had the opportunity to share her testimony and the Gospel. Many of the kids she shared with raised their hands to say “yes” to Jesus! The Lord is moving in a mighty way here in the DR, and we are looking forward to hearing from pastors and church leaders a few weeks from now about how these decisions for Christ have shaped their communities. Would you be praying for the local churches here? Pray that the pastors and church leaders will have fruitful follow-up conversations with these new believers.

Our worship session began earlier in the evening, and we looked at how the Woman coming to the Well left her jar there to run and tell her community about what Jesus had done (John 4:28-30). Students were challenged to leave their “jars (what they are looking to other than God to satisfy them)” at the feet of Jesus and run back to tell the world what He has done for them.

Our evening time looked a little different… and it was truly a BLAST. Seniors got to go off camp to a restaurant/skate park called La Plaza. They had pizza, received brand new Estrellas (the DR baseball team) Jerseys, and got to fellowship with one another and with Logan. He gave them a word of encouragement as they transitioned to whatever life had next. The underclassman stayed on camp for Johnson Ferry Student’s first-ever Dominican Variety Show! It was hilarious, and they were so into it! There was singing, dancing, dad jokes, balloon animals, and we even had one of our Dominican friends get inspired to perform some break dancing skills!

We finished the night with family group time, where we debriefed the day and shared highs and lows.

We are expectant for this last day of ministry. Pray for us today as we share the gospel invitation!


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