Evangelism Training 2.4.24

HI PARENTS! | We wanted to give you an update on the training we had this past Sunday (2/4). It was super helpful for our students, as they were given tools to help them share the Gospel, but it was also super fun!

DEVOTION TIME | Logan kicked off our teaching series for the next six weeks called Revival Generation with a special focus on Acts 2:42-47. We want students to know and believe that God can bring revival in their hearts that can lead to an awakening of lost people across East Cobb and around the world to come to know Jesus. Revival is more than a feeling; it is an awakening.

Parents, consider the following questions and thoughts to drive this lesson home:

  • How can this trip bring revival in our lives, our family, and our city?
  • How can this trip go beyond just our emotions and actually change our lives?
  • Spend time together praying for revival in our church and city.

EVANGELISM TRAINING | The first tool Logan taught our students is the Gospel in 4 words:

  1. God
  2. Man
  3. Christ
  4. Response

Students learned how to expand on these words. Ask your student(s) what they learned about the Gospel in 4 words!

The second tool Logan talked about was Care Through Prayer. Praying for someone can open the door for a gospel conversation. It helps them see that you care about what is going on in their life, and it might create an openness to hear what else you have to say. It’s that simple … asking, “How can I pray for you?” is a great way to start a Gospel Conversation.

We challenged students to practice care through prayer with one person this week and spend extensive time writing down their story/testimony. Parents, I want to challenge you to share your testimony with your student this week!

LOGISTICS TRAINING | Dylan and Courtney finished our training time with some logistics!

  • Turn in your passports ASAP. (Your physical passport, not a color copy).
  • Your student will find out about their family group next week! Our training is also going to be earlier in the night. 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm will be our training schedule next week!

We hope this update was helpful. Please keep praying for our students and leaders as they prepare their hearts for this trip!


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