JOHNSON FERRY Preschool & Children
August 2024

You’ll get a KICK out of this!
Get ready to begin the new season with us! Kick-Off Sunday is on August 4!
Children in grades 1st through 5th may select one (1) group only.
Children in grades 1st through 3rd may attend one (1) group, plus Kids Church.
***Kids Church is an option for all 1st-3rd graders at check-in, and registration is not needed***
Children’s Baptism
We want to invite you and your child to attend Step One of our Children’s Baptism Program. The Children’s Baptism Program is a great tool if your child is thinking about salvation or is ready for baptism.
This program is specifically designed to partner with parents as you lead your child through their salvation/baptism experience. Step One is a 30-minute presentation of the gospel developed to give the parents the tools necessary to have a meaningful dialogue with their child about how to begin their spiritual journey.
If interested, please join us on Sunday, July 14, for our next Step One (no registration required). We hope to see you there.
*If you cannot attend this Sunday, we hold Step One Baptism classes every second Sunday of the month in the Matchbox (Room 242) at 11:30am.


Children's Groups
August 4
Group Focus: We Are Here to Make Much of Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4-5)
Family Discussion Starters: How does Jesus’ love for you encourage you to love Him? How can your love for others point them to Jesus? How does loving others glorify Jesus?
Family Activity: Create a “Family Hug” time for each night this week. Take a few minutes to share how much you love one another, giving specific reasons why you love each person. Give each other hugs and remind kids that we are called to love one another because Jesus first loved us.
August 11
Group Focus: Jesus Is worthy of Worship (Revelation 4-5)
Family Discussion Starters: What are some ways we can worship Jesus? Why is He the only One worthy of worship?
Family Activity: Write a thank-you note to your church’s worship leader. Thank Him for leading your family in worship through singing. Then, spend a few minutes praying for your worship leader, asking God to use his ministry to help others worship Jesus with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength.
August 18
Group Focus: Jesus Will Return One Day (Revelation 19-20)
Family Discussion Starters: Why is Jesus’ return good news for Christians? How does Jesus’ return encourage us to share the gospel with as many people as we can?
Family Activity: Challenge kids to draw one invention they hope exists in the future, like a futuristic gaming system or a robot that makes scrambled eggs. Invite kids to explain their inventions to the family. Talk about how the book of Revelation and what it tells us about Jesus as the Eternal King is the greatest news about the future.
August 25
Group Focus: We will be Part of the New Heaven and Earth (Revelation 21-22)
Family Discussion Starters: How does it make you feel to think about a place without crying, pain, or death? Why is being with Jesus the best news about the new heaven and earth?
Family Activity: Cut letters from cardstock to spell out the words Faithful and True. Use a hole-punch to create a hole at the top of each letter. Then, string yarn through the holes to create a banner. Hang the banner in your home to remind kids that Jesus’ promises are faithful and true.

Kid's Church
We are in a new series in Kids Church called Entourage. Get out your lights and cameras and get ready for action. This series is a great way to start off the new school year. It focuses on Godly friendship.
August 4
The children will learn that good friends give and listen to wise advice.
Bible Story: Jethro advises Moses on how to lead the Israelites. (Exodus 18:1-27)
Main Point: A Good Friend Is Wise!
Bible Verse: “Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.” Proverbs 19:20 NLT
August 11
The children will learn that a good friend helps others.
Bible Story: Aaron and Hur help Moses with a battle. (Exodus 17:8-13)
Main Point: A Good Friend Is Helpful!
Bible Verse: “We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.” Romans 15:2 NLT
August 18
The children will learn that a good friend is loyal.
Bible Story: Barnabas stands up for Paul to the disciples. (Acts 9:1-31)
Main Point: A Good Friend Will Always Be There For You!
Bible Verse: “Never abandon a friend…” Proverbs 27:10a NLT
August 25
The children will learn that Jesus is the best friend they can have.
Bible Story: Jesus’ sacrifice for us. (John chapters 12,18,19, and 20)
Main Point: Jesus Is A Good Friend!
Bible Verse: “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 NLT

Music & Missions!
Wednesday night activities are back for preschoolers and children through 5th grade including:
– Teeny Tykes & Tunes PLUS for children 1 – 2 years old and a caregiver from 6-7pm
– Kids Music for children 3 years old – 5th grade from 6-7pm
– Royal Ambassadors (RA’s) and Girls in Action (GA’s) for children 1st-5th grade from 7-8pm
Your child BELONGS at Johnson Ferry! When you take time out of your work-a-day routine to come into a building and engage in worship of the one, true God – and fellowship with other believers – you are teaching your child that “This is our group of people!”
August is the start of new age group classes, and it’s the prime time for you to intentionally get to know the people who serve with your child each week. Ask their name – they are starting to know your child’s name! Hesitant older preschooler? Help the child make a transition by talking through it ahead of time, including what it will be like and the positives. Fussy younger child? No worries – we’ll be happy to work on that with you. A great rule of thumb is to keep your routine consistent for three weeks in a row, and the child is likely to adjust.
While in a Preschool Sunday Group, we are working to build a foundation that helps children understand who God is, love Him because of who He is and what He has done, and then live in gratitude to God for His glory. Someone described it this way: As we learn about God, it increases our love for Him and helps us live in a way that pleases Him, and then as we live in God’s ways, we love more and want to learn more, too. Preschool classes for ages 2-Kindergarten send home materials each week that help parents review and apply the child’s learning through the week at home.

Register for August Kick Off! | Kick-Off Sunday is on August 4! Preschool Groups are provided in alignment with Worship Services and Adult Groups (8:30, 10, and 11:30am). REGISTER HERE
Teeny Tykes AND Children’s Choirs Start in August | Teeny Tykes & Tunes is for young children with a caregiver. Children aged three by September 1 are eligible for the Children’s Choirs on Wednesday nights. If parents are volunteering in late programs or in a Bible Study, be sure to register for a late Childcare session. REGISTER HERE
Enliven your child’s heart to God’s mission around the world | There is a Family Mission Trip to Chattanooga now open for registration. September 22-26, 2024. The team will partner with Daystar Baptist Missions and local churches to serve the people of Chattanooga. All ages are welcome. This is an ideal opportunity for a first-time family mission trip! Visit the Johnson Ferry Mission Trip page and search by name/date.
2 Sessions for Your Child – allows you to Worship & Serve! Watch this 1 minute video. Did you know that Preschool Sunday Groups are designed for children to participate in two sessions (8:30 & 10am OR 10 & 11:30am) so that parents can worship AND serve or participate in Adult Groups? The activities vary each hour so children won’t be bored. We count on ALL Parents of regularly attending children to help out as volunteers, and this is how we make it possible! Is it your turn to volunteer? Sign up to serve!
August 4 | Jesus Loves the Children – Mark 10
August 11 | Creation Day 1: God made light and dark – Genesis 1
August 18 | Creation Day 2: God made water and sky – Genesis 1
August 25 | Creation Day 3: God made land and plants – Genesis 1
August 4 | God Made Everything: God made everything, and it’s good – Genesis 1:1-15
August 11 | God Made People: God made everything, and it’s good – Genesis 1:26-2:25
August 18 | Adam and Eve and the Sneaky Snake: God loves us no matter what – Genesis 3
August 25 | Noah and the Big, Big Boat: God loves us no matter what – Genesis 6:1-9:17
Registrations and additional information for these events can usually be found on The Hub.
- August 4 – Kick Off Sunday (children move forward to new age groups)
- August 7 – Wednesday Nights Fellowship meal open from 4:45-6:45
- Ongoing – 419 Small Group Discipleship for Adults – need a group, let us know!
In response to the independent audit of our policies and procedures regarding protecting children and vulnerable adults, we have created the Caring Well Hotline. This hotline is designed so that you have an outlet to report any abuse or suspicion of abuse you witness or experience related to Johnson Ferry staff or programs. The hotline number is 678.784.5399. The number can also be found on the footer of our website. The caller can remain anonymous; however, if you choose to remain anonymous, it will make it more challenging to investigate the reported abuse.
While we pray that no one has to ever report abuse, we believe this hotline not only helps protect those who are vulnerable but it also provides care to those who experience abuse. It strengthens our existing policies and procedures.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly.