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Welcome to our online giving experience!
Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Where does my money go?


General Budget

The Budget Fund is supported by your regular tithe and giving and goes to the day-to-day operation and ministry of Johnson Ferry.

Vision Fund

The Vision Fund accumulates funds for future ministry opportunities. These could include starting a new JFB campus, expanding our current campus at 955, or supporting the Disciple-Making and Missions components of the vision goals. The funds are under the authority of the Elders, who will work in conjunction with the Executive Team as these ventures arise.

Additionally, our Ministries Budget Plan provides additional funding for the Vision Fund. This is similar to a savings goal in our personal budgets. We give a percentage of our budget to Missions, we have the funding for our ministries and staff, and now we are including a portion to support a strong future at Johnson Ferry.


This fund is designed to help members of our church family and members of our community with the unexpected challenges and difficulties life can throw at us, such as the loss of a job, medical expenses, and more.

Designated Funds

If you would like to give to a specific ministry, you can do so by choosing designated and then adding your ministry of choice in the memo line.

Disaster Relief

This fund goes directly to relief efforts for natural disasters through partners like Send Relief.