Are you a Peter?
I know it’s a strange place to start, but let’s consider Peter for a moment. Peter was a fisherman. He was a disciple of Jesus, though he denied Jesus three times on the evening of His arrest. Peter was a leader of the early church. He was the first to run and see the empty tomb. Peter was just a human person like me or like you.
Oh, but he also walked on water with Jesus… sort of.
When we talk about Peter walking out on the water to see Jesus, it can be a cautionary tale of what not to do. Don’t doubt. Have more faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus or sink. But what if we took another angle on the story? What if we focused not on the end of the story but on the start? HE GOT OUT OF THE BOAT! He took that first step. Then the next.
We know Peter eventually became distracted, lost sight of Jesus as his focal point, and began to sink (and we should remember the great lesson here of keeping our eyes focused on Jesus), but let’s not miss the strength of his faith. He was the only one who had the courage to hop out of the boat and do something new, different, strange, crazy, big, dangerous, etc.
Here is where this story gets real for us; for you and I. Being a Peter, in this context, is scary. It is unknown. It is imperfect. It is visible. It requires something of me. It requires ME.
The truth is that we have been handmade by God to accomplish His good works (Ephesians 2:10) and to use every gift we’ve received and every skill we have for the good of others (1 Peter 4:10-11). We want to take the next step toward what He’s calling us to, but…
…what if I get embarrassed?
…how can I do this with my resources?
…I don’t have enough Bible knowledge.
…what if no one has done this before?
…my house isn’t put-together enough.
…I’m not a preacher or teacher.
The limitations we put on ourselves waiting for the perfect circumstances only hinder what God has already prepared to use for good… US! (you + me + we)
Individually, we aren’t the supporting cast for some upper-class group of main characters who live more important lives. We are God’s handpicked and handmade plan for the world. The world needs Jesus. And who we are right now, in this very moment, is who He is planning to use. The specific details placed into each of us are superpowers. Our quirks, stories, scars, triumphs, hobbies, relationships, backgrounds, skills, challenges, and passions, every little thing about us at this moment, in this place, with these people around us, is God’s equipping.
We are God’s creation. He created us to belong to Christ Jesus. Now we can do good works. Long ago God prepared these works for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
So, are you ready to try and walk on water? To take a risk and step in faith toward Jesus? To be obedient to His call, even if we are fearful? Yes, we will likely get wet or fumble our footing. Oh, but friend, may we have faith so daring that only Jesus can rescue us if we slip, and may all our fumbles point to a Savior who is bigger than can be imagined and right beside me every single step.