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Student Leadership Cohort is a unique opportunity for students to go deep in discipleship while developing as leaders.
Students! We’ve got a unique service planned just for you. Join us in the Activities Center at noon on Friday, April 18 as we memorialize and remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
Hey, graduating seniors! Join us for our upcoming Transition Breakouts designed to help you as you take the final steps toward our YA College Ministry. We will cover important topics and things you will face in their next step to Young Adulthood. Meeting Information:– Sunday, April 27, 10am, Fellowship Hall– Sunday, May 4, 10am, Fellowship […]
Graduating Seniors! Mark your calendars for our annual Senior Banquet happening on Sunday, May 4 at 1pm in the High School Room. Registration coming soon!! **This event is FREE for all Senior Life Group Leaders!**