Memphis Training Week 2 & 3

We are getting closer! The past two weeks have been incredible. We introduced family groups, practiced praying for others, shared the gospel and learned our bible stories for the trip! Below is a quick recap along with some ways for you to lean in as a parent this week.

Training’s 2 and 3 Recap

At our second training, we introduced family groups. Each of you should have had some sort of communication from your student’s leader. If you haven’t received anything, please reach out and let us know. These groups are intentionally formed and the leaders are excited to walk alongside your student and family as they learn to live on mission in Memphis. We also practiced care through prayer which is a strategy we will use as we interact with people in Memphis.

At our third training, we continued in family groups and practiced “three circles”. Three circles is a method of sharing the gospel with hopes that a lost person will trust in Christ. If you’d like to see the video we showed, click here! We ended our time reading John 3:1-17 which is the second bible story our students will be teaching during the trip.

Parent Questions

Here are some ideas that our team had to help you stay connected with your student as they continue to prepare for our trip.

  1. Ask them to practice care through prayer with you. Ask them what is something you could be praying for them as they get ready to go on the trip.
  2. Have them practice sharing 3 circles with you!
  3. Read John 3:1-17 and ask them what they learned in it.

Still need an e-copy of the parent information sheet? Click here.

We are praying for you! Thank you for partnering with us to disciple and equip your student.


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