Modern Service LIVE Now

 Traditional Service LIVE Now

 Traditional Service LIVE Now

Magnolia Ball

This year we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Magnolia Ball on Sunday afternoon, October 6, from 4-6pm. The Magnolia Ball is an outreach to our nearby assisted living communities. We spend the evening dancing and enjoying light refreshments, and we need your...

Psalms Study Group

Join us on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm in Room 327 (Loft B) as we dive into the book of Psalms! Registration is required, and the cost is $10 (covering your workbook).

Adult Coed Kickball

Apply to be a free agent for Adult Coed Kickball on Wednesday evenings from the end of August through the end of October.

2024 Leadership Summit

An event for leaders of Sunday Groups, Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry, and Shine Teens/Adults Ministry. Be a part of the discussion on how our ministry areas can help people find belonging in Jesus. This event will begin downstairs in the Student High...

Grand Camp 2024

Grandparents are invited to bring a grandchild, age 3, who has completed kindergarten. Grand Camp offers a special morning of activities centering around a favorite Bible story. Activities include worship time, Teeny Tykes & Tunes, crafts, games, and more! All are...