Traditional Service LIVE Now

On Death and Dying Forum

Join us on Thursday, November 16 at 7pm in the Landing (Room 272/274) for ‘On Death and Dying,’ a forum focusing on the film ‘After Death’ currently in theaters. The forum, hosted by Dr. Jefrey Breshears’ Areopagus Ministry, will feature Dr. Michael Sabom (retired...

Christmas Eve Childcare

Preschool childcare registration for ages 8 weeks – 4 years (as of September 1, 2023) is available for Christmas Eve Services on December 24 at 11am, 3pm & 5pm.  The deadline for preschool childcare registration is Monday, December 17.

The Art of Conversation

Do you find it difficult to have meaningful conversations with your kids? It is time for a Conversation revival! Ashley and Heather Holleman want to show you how easy it can be to break down the barrier of communication. Learn practical suggestions, including some...

The Dating Dilemma Workshop

Are you single and trying to date? It can be a real dilemma when you want to develop a healthy relationship but are struggling just to find that special someone. There are plenty of questions about what to do, how to do it, and why. Fortunately, there are answers. The...

Elder Nominations

We will be receiving online nominations for elders through August 25. Johnson Ferry members may submit up to two (2) elder nominations per member. We ask that you pray for God’s guidance before submitting any names.