Modern Service LIVE Now

 Traditional Service LIVE Now

 Traditional Service LIVE Now

Disciple Making 101

Disciple Making 101

This active learning and relational training will address the challenges of following Jesus and equip you to help others follow Him as well. Join the movement! Already on board? Well, invite someone else! Come join Adrian Coetzer and David Anderson beginning August 9...

Read Through the Bible

Join us for reading the entirety of God’s Word on Palm Sunday morning! We want to acknowledge the entirety of God’s Word is inspired by God and perfect for equipping and growing His church (2 Timothy 3:16).

Becoming A Disciple-Maker – WED

If you want to become a disciple maker in 2023, we have a 6-week opportunity for you on Wednesdays at 6pm. Beginning April 26, we will model & practice how to facilitate a 419 group while providing coaching on getting your first group started. 

Becoming a Disciple Maker – SUN

If you want to become a disciple maker in 2023, we have a 6-week opportunity for you on Sundays at 11:30am. Beginning April 23, we will model & practice how to facilitate a 419 group while providing coaching on getting your first group started. 

RA-Camp Out

Royal Ambassadors (RAs)two-night camping trip with their adult male role model. Leave the church Friday, March 24, at 4 p.m. Cost is $75 per camper. Price includes transportation, meals, and RA’s provided tent set-up for participants prior to arrival. Campers...