Global Missions
We exist to equip the church to make disciples of all nations.

move missions week
Missions has always been a big part of Johnson Ferry’s DNA. Join us in learning more about God’s heart for the nations, and about ways you can get more involved around the globe.
Get Connected
Short-Term Trips
We send our people on short-term trips across the country and around the world every year. These trips are gospel centered, partner focused, and discipleship oriented.
Ministry to the Vulnerable
We are called to love and serve those in vulnerable situations. Check out ways to get involved here in our community and around the world.
Global Sending
We send our people around the globe on mid-term and long-term assignments with a focus on the unreached. Our vision, over the next five years, is to send 35 long-term “Global Sent Ones” to make disciples among unreached peoples. We desire to be a church that embraces God’s heart for all nations.
MOVE Missions Offering
Your giving above the regular tithe allows Johnson Ferry to equip the church, engage the lost and embrace the nations through Bible translation and distribution, church planting, short-term mission trips, engaging the unreached and ministry to the vulnerable. Make your pledge today!
The Hub
2024’s hurricanes are destroying homes and lives across the nation. As we grieve for and with people who have lost so much, we also support and supply those in need. Click below to see the different ways you can serve and represent the hands and feet of Jesus.Global Missions
Bryan Hanson – Executive Pastor Global
(678) 718-1390