MOVE Mission Offering
OUR GOAL: $1,500,000
Make your six-month faith pledge in all services on Sunday, March 2, or online. In addition to giving, prayerfully consider serving in local ministries, going on a short-term trip, exploring being sent on a mid or long-term mission assignment, or learning more about the adoption and foster care ministry.
What We Do
Your giving above the regular tithe allows Johnson Ferry to equip the church, engage the lost and embrace the nations through Bible translation and distribution, church planting, short-term mission trips, engaging the unreached and ministry to the vulnerable. Pray about your part in the MOVE Missions Offering.
Ministry to the Vulnerable
In response to Jesus’ commandment, we have cared for and ministered to the refugee, orphan, unborn, homeless, trafficked, widow, prisoner, and disaster survivor through hands-on ministry and our partner organizations.
Engaging the Unreached
Johnson Ferry has a five-year goal to send 35 of our members with the gospel to Unreached Peoples around the world. To that end, we invest in training, supporting, and caring for these Sent Ones and their families. Three years into this goal, we have sent 19 on mid and long-term assignments to the Unreached of South and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe.
Bible Translation & Distribution
Last year, in partnership with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Johnson Ferry funded a project to complete Bible translation for a cluster of 12 languages in India spoken by more than 14 million people. Johnson Ferry also partnered with Faith Comes By Hearing and Arab Vision on several translation projects among unreached people groups in North Africa, West Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Church Planting
Local churches are vital to advancing Christ’s kingdom. Our focus is to strengthen the church worldwide by supporting efforts in South Asia, North Africa, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, locally in Atlanta, and in New York City. Within our 10-year partnership with New York City, we are currently supporting five (5) church plants.
Mission Trips
Johnson Ferry sends people on short-term mission trips to share the Gospel and to disciple people as we serve our partners in reaching people for Christ. Because of this, we commit to pay 50% of the cost for members, plus all ministry expenses. In 2024, we sent 1,479 people on 54 trips, both nationally and internationally.
Please be praying about what you will pledge to the MOVE Missions Offering on March 2.