Johnson Ferry Student Music
High School Choir Tour to Poland is a mission trip opportunity for 9th-12th grade students. Our goal is to share the love of Christ with people in Poland through sports ministry, gospel-centered concerts, and ESL. This trip is not a vacation – but an opportunity to take the next step in your faith journey by serving the Lord and the people of Poland.
Destination: TARNOW, POLAND
Dates: May 28-June 8, 2025
Each Poland trip, Johnson Ferry is privileged to partner with Tarnow Baptist Church. The pastor, Irek Skoczen, has been in Tarnow for many years and has developed many strong relationships with people in the community. When we leave Poland, Irek is able to take the relationships we have made and continue to disciple and pastor.
Cost: $1,495
The cost of the trip includes all transportation, lodging, meals (except travel meals), t-shirts, and materials. A deposit is required at registration. ALL FINAL PAYMENTS, forms, and passports are due on or before April 27. (We will need a color copy of your passport by March 30 in order to book flights)
Student Requirements:
- Must be a high school student (9th-12th grade) in the High School Choir
- Attend 80% of choir rehearsals beginning January 12
- At least one parent should attend the parent meeting on May 18
We’ll spend our rehearsals before this trip preparing ourselves to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Poland. We’ll spend time learning music, training, and in family groups.
80% of rehearsals are MANDATORY and are on Sunday evenings.
February 23 | Rehearsal + Snack Supper
March 2 | Rehearsal + Snack Supper
March 9 | Rehearsal + Snack Supper
March 16 | Rehearsal + Snack Supper
March 23 | Rehearsal + Snack Supper
March 30 | Rehearsal + Snack Supper
April 13 | Rehearsal
April 27 | Rehearsal
May 4 | Rehearsal
May 11 | Rehearsal
May 18 | Rehearsal + Parent Meeting
May 22 (Thursday morning) | FINAL POLAND REHEARSAL
We leave for Poland on Wednesday, May 28!

Throughout the week, students will visit local high schools, compete in sports with Polish students, put on gospel-centered concerts, and make relationships with students through ESL. This will all lead up to a large concert in the town square at the end of the week where the gospel will be presented.
Wednesday + Thursday: Travel Days
Friday: School visit (concerts + sports)
Saturday: Auschwitz Tour
Sunday: Worship with Tarnow Baptist Church & Concert in Bochnia
Monday: School visit (concert + sports)
Tuesday: School Visit (concert + sports) & Music School Concert
Wednesday: School Visit (concert + sports)
Thursday: Rest in the morning & final concert in Tarnow City Square
Friday: Krakow for the day
Saturday: Travel Day

Hotel Tarnovia
We have partnered with this hotel for many years and have reserved have reserved the majority of the hotel for our group. The rooms are typical hotel rooms, with 2 to 3 people per room. Group breakfast, nightly worship, and family group time will occur at the hotel.

What are you doing to ensure my child is safe in Poland?
We will be staying at Hotel Tarnovia in Tarnow, Poland. The hotel is very safe and will have locked doors with keycards similar to other hotels. We walk as a group to all locations and students are not allowed to go anywhere without an adult leader.
What if I don’t know how to get a passport?
The Johnson Ferry Global Ministry suggests looking at this website for everything related to passports: First-Time Passport Applications
What is the cell phone policy for Poland?
Students are rarely given the opportunity to unplug from the constant stream of distractions, drama, and temptation that go hand-in-hand with smartphone use. We believe that God wants to use this week as a unique period of time in each of these student’s lives where they can focus on what God is doing. In order to ensure that every student is in the best possible position to receive that message, we are restricting all cell phone use and possession during this trip. Here are important details:
- Students may bring their phones, but they will be taken up, bagged, labeled, and stored in a secure office at the hotel from the time we arrive in Tarnow until we depart for the airport.
- Family group leaders, staff, and the media photographer can capture all the pictures from the trip.
- Family group leaders can relay any important information from students to their parents.
- The Student Music Staff can be contacted if there is an emergency at home.
- This policy includes other devices that can access apps and the internet (iPads, laptops, smart watches).
While this may seem extreme, we want to assure you that your students will be safe. From our experience, most students will be relieved to have an excuse to take a break from all the “noise.”
What are the travel plans for Poland?
We will meet at Johnson Ferry on May 28 and depart from the church in charter buses to the Atlanta Airport. When we return to the Atlanta Airport on June 7, students will need to be picked up FROM THE AIRPORT.
What happens if my child gets sick or injured in Poland?
Safety is of the utmost importance on this trip. We will have two full-time nurses traveling with us that will be available at all times.
What can I do if my child needs financial help for this trip?
Johnson Ferry is a very generous church, and the Poland mission trip is already subsidized 50% by our Global Ministry. We also held our yearly choir fundraiser, the Polar Bear Run, in January which is a huge opportunity for students to raise money towards Poland. If you need additional financial assistance, please contact the Student Music Office at [email protected] and we will reach out to you with next steps.
What does my child do to prepare for the Poland mission trip?
Rehearsals are MANDATORY for this trip. Starting January 12, students must attend 80% of choir rehearsals in order to go on the trip. See above for rehearsal date information.
What if my child has dietary restrictions/allergies?
We eat our meals at Hotel Tarnovia, Soprano, and from a local caterer and they always have plenty of options for those with dietary restrictions/allergies. We cannot guarantee an allergen-free environment, but we do our best to communicate ahead of time and will have an adult allergy advocate on the trip. For any further information or concerts, please reach out to [email protected].
MAY 28- JUNE 8, 2025
There are three simple steps to register for the High School Choir Tour to Poland:
- REGISTER HERE for the Poland Mission Trip. You will need to pay a $500 deposit (TOTAL TRIP COST is $1495). The final payments AND your student’s passport are due on April 27. (We will need a color copy of your passport by March 30 in order to book flights). To update your passport information, go to MyJF and click on Update my Travel Info under Account Maintenance.
- DOWNLOAD ALL FORMS (found below) and turn them in! All forms are due on or before April 27.
- PASSPORT!!! All passports are due on or before April 27. (We cannot stress how IMPORTANT your passport is. In order to book your plane ticket, the airline MUST have your passport information. DO NOT WAIT—they can take as long as six weeks or more to get!) **We will need a color copy by March 30.