Building foundations for young children to begin a lifetime relationship with God.
Get Connected
Preschool Groups are available for preschoolers (8 weeks-kindergarten) at 8:30, 10, & 11:30am on Sunday mornings. Children participate in age-appropriate Bible learning through songs, rhythms, marches, finger plays, Bible stories, and games led by trained teachers. Register HERE.
Children 3 years – Kindergarten are invited to learn about God and make music together through singing, instruments, movement, and more. Pre-register here
Wednesdays | 6-7pm
Wiggle, giggle, and learn about God through an interactive music program for birth – 3-year-olds. A caregiver is required. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Tuesdays & Thursdays | 10-11am
Wednesdays | 6-7pm
The Parent Commissioning services are the way our church family publicly recognizes Christian parents, commissioning them to raise their child(ren) in a God-honoring home. Our church family is honored to support you in this way. Parent Commissioning services occur on a periodic basis. Services are open to church members, as approved by ministerial staff.
Indicate your interest to participate in an upcoming Parent Commissioning service.
The Hub
The Parent Commissioning services are the way our church family publicly recognizes Christian parents, commissioning them to raise their child(ren) in a God-honoring home. Our church family is honored to support you in this way. Parent Commissioning services occur on a periodic basis. Church members, as approved by ministerial staff, are welcome to participate. The Expectant Parent Ministry supports expectant parents from the time they learn they are having a baby until the family returns to regular engagement in Sunday morning worship. Throughout the nine months, the mother is contacted and prayed with regularly in person, by phone, or by e-mail and social media to see how she is […] Wednesday night activities for Preschoolers and Children include: *Please register your children for the Fall Wednesday Night Activities Semester* This registration is for the 2024-2025 school year. All Preschool and Children’s Groups are provided in alignment with Worship Services and Adult Groups (8:30, 10, and 11:30am). Parents must remain on campus while children are in classes. Please register in advance to update your family’s information and get your child connected to the correct group. […] On Palm Sunday, April 13, and Easter, April 20, we are seeking extra help to serve our many visitors and regular attenders. What a wonderful present to give: one hour of your time with the youngest members of our church family. You must be at least 16 years old, and your Safe Harbor background check […]Preschool
Kristi Williams – Preschool Minister