For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.

Romans 1:16

We live in a world where we can truly share anything we want with anyone we want! We can share photos from our latest trip with our friends on social media, recipes with our extended family, and even our location instead of giving someone directions! What a time to be alive!

We share things that we feel are important for others to know. We share our feelings to let someone know we’ve been hurt or are upset. We share our time with someone we enjoy being around. We share financially with someone to help meet practical needs. And we share our faith in Jesus with those who do not know Him. 

Of all the things we share with others, sharing our faith has the greatest impact. Sharing about who Jesus is, what He has done, and what He offers to us not only changes lives, it changes eternities. Without someone sharing who Jesus was with us, we, too, would be lost and without hope.

We all know the reality that sharing our faith can be scary. It can be challenging and awkward to share about our faith. But we have a great example to follow. In his letter to the Romans, Paul declared that he was not ashamed of the gospel. He had seen the transforming power of Jesus, and he was convinced that Jesus was the only way to salvation. Paul was not ashamed of sharing his faith with others, even though it was incredibly costly. Paul was persecuted, thrown in prison, and eventually killed because of his faith in Jesus. But no matter what, Paul was not ashamed of the gospel, and he shared it freely. 

We’ve spent the last several weeks talking about God’s character—how He is good, merciful, just, compassionate, holy, loving, and powerful. We’ve spent time reading it, writing it, capturing it, carrying it, walking it, wearing it, and revealing it. We’ve let it change our hearts, minds, and lives. And now, we can take that next step of faith to share it.

Sharing with others about our faith in Jesus or sharing about the truth of God’s character is an incredible gift. We have the opportunity to let others know how they can know God and have a relationship with Him. We share the important things in our lives freely—but how often do we share about Jesus? What an encouragement it is to know that we do not have to be ashamed of the gospel! Just as it has the power to change our lives, it has the power to change the lives of our friends, family members, and acquaintances as well!

Sharing our faith is a unique opportunity to let God work in our hearts. While we share with others, we form deeper convictions and confidence in God’s character. Sharing about who Jesus is and what He has done for us reminds us that we are nothing without Him. Just like we share about our kids, our vacations, or our favorite recipes, we have the blessing to share about the transforming power of the gospel.

As we rest in the truth of who God is, let’s take that next step of faith to share it. Let’s remember that, at one time, someone shared the gospel with us. This week, ask God who He may be putting on your heart to share the gospel with. Ask Him to work in you and to give you boldness and courage and help you be unashamed of the gospel. We have the power of God working in us all the time! Let’s live unashamed and share our faith with others!


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