Young Adults

We exist to see God be glorified in our young adults and see their lives changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to help 18-29 year-olds continue to find their truth, belonging, and purpose in Jesus as they navigate the beginning of their adulthood.
Get Connected

Gather with young adults of all stages of life to study God’s Word, encourage each other, and grow with one another. We have weekly opportunities for young adults to connect and be equipped as citizens of God’s kingdom. Groups meet in the mornings and evenings, Sunday through Thursday.
Check out all of our Groups below!
Sunday Mornings
Thursday Evenings
YA Coed | A connect group for any Young Adult | MORE INFO
If you need any additional information about any of the Groups we offer at Johnson Ferry or if you would like to start your own group, contact [email protected]

One of the best ways to stay in the loop on everything happening with Johnson Ferry Young Adults is to follow us on social media.
The Hub
Gather with young adults of all stages of life to study God’s Word, encourage each other, and grow with one another. We have weekly opportunities for young adults to connect and be equipped as citizens of God’s kingdom. Groups meet in the mornings and evenings, Sunday through Thursday.Young Adults
Brady Whitehead – Young Adult Associate
(678) 784-5201